Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment

One of the most common procedures carried out in dentistry is Root canal Treatment (RCT). Simply speaking, a root canal is required to be performed when the pulp of the tooth( innermost part) gets infected. This pulp is actually the heart of the tooth. It contains its blood and nerve supply. Each and every one of our 32 teeth have their own individual pulp.

Commonly, the pulp gets infected due to untreated cavities, trauma, injury leading to a crack or chipping off the tooth etc. Sometimes, dentists advise performing a Root canal Treatment intentionally in a sound tooth in certain procedures.

An infected tooth is often symptomized with pain(hot & cold), which may be either sharp and shooting or dull and continuous. There may be swelling associated with the pain and the tooth is painful to touch. In some cases, the tooth becomes discolored.

Root Canal Treatment involves removal of the entire pulp along with the surrounding infection. That empty area is then completely sealed using inert bio-safe materials. Sometimes, a Re-Root Canal Treatment may be required in case of a re-infection. A Crown is usually advised after Root Canal Treatment.

At Nisha Dental Care,we carry out Root Canal treatment in a Pain-free manner and in single-sittinngs using the latest technology and armenmatarium available.

  • Relief From Pain
  • Single-Sitting
  • Advanced Machinery
  • Removal Of Infection
  • Quicker Treatment
  • Improved Function
  • Latest Technology
  • Saves Tooth
  • Increases Longevity of Tooth


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